Comment protéger vos cheveux du soleil : conseil essentiels - Jia Paris
Jun 07, 2023
Summer is the ideal season to enjoy the sun and heat, but it's also a difficult time for your curly hair. You will discover through this article our advice to protect your hair from the sun as well as possible.
Pourquoi la levure de bière est bonne pour les cheveux bouclés ? - Jia Paris
May 22, 2023
Why is the brewer's yeast good for curly hair? Here are five reasons to use...
5 raisons de faire un shampoing clarifiant - Jia Paris
May 16, 2023
Why make a clarifying shampoo? THE curly hair tend to be drier and have more...
Accélérer la pousse des cheveux bouclés, frisés, crépus, afro : 10 conseils efficaces
May 04, 2023
Do you dream of having long and healthy hair, but do you find that they...
Le Bienfaits du parfum sans allergènes
Mar 30, 2023
This is important for the health of your hair, especially if you are sensitive to allergies or if you have sensitive skin.
Les bienfaits de l'huile d'olive sur  les cheveux bouclés, frisés, crépus, afro
Mar 30, 2023
Olive oil is a rich natural ingredient, offering numerous benefits for wavy hair, curly to frizzy.