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Why is the brewer's yeast good for curly hair?

May 22, 2023Estelle D.

Why is the brewer's yeast good for curly hair?

Here are five reasons to use brewer's yeast to benefit from its hair benefits:

Rich in nutrients:

Brewer yeast is rich in essential nutrients for hair health, such as B vitamins, proteins, minerals (zinc, iron, copper, selenium) and amino acids. These nutrients help nourish hair from the inside, strengthen it, improve their shine as well as promote their growth.

Strengthening hair:

In addition, brewer's yeast also contains proteins, which is essential for growth and hair repair. Proteins help strengthen the hair wicks and prevent damage caused by styling products, hot hairstyle tools and other environmental factors. Amino acids, on the other hand, help repair damaged hair and prevent forks.

Promotes hair growth:

Vitamins B present in brewer's yeast promote hair growth by stimulating the production of new hair cells. Zinc present in brewer's yeast is also known to promote hair growth and prevent it falling.

Improves hair texture:

The nutrients present in brewer's yeast help improve the texture of the hair by making them softer and more silky. Brewer yeast can also help reduce frizz and improve the definition of curls.

Promotes the health of the scalp:

The nutrients present in brewer's yeast help to maintain the health of the scalp by regulating sebum production and preventing dandruff and itching. Zinc present is also beneficial for the health of the scalp. Indeed, zinc is particularly important for people with curly hair, as it helps prevent dandruff and itching of the scalp, which can be more frequent in people with curly or curly hair, thus helping to reduce inflammation and to promote the healing of wounds.

You will understand there are several reasons why the brewer's yeast is considered beneficial for curly hair.

Good News: By integrating our food supplements Force and grows To your hair routine, you can benefit from these benefits and find a clever balance between minerals, vitamins and inactive brewer's yeast, which will act in concert in the heart of your hair fiber in order to promote the strengthening of your hair and clean up.

ATTENTION : However, it should be noted that the effects of brewed brewer's yeast can vary depending on the person, and that other factors such as diet, stress and styling habits can also have an impact on health of your hair.

It is therefore important to consult a health professional or a qualified hairdresser in order to obtain personalized advice on how to improve the health of your curly hair.

Jiablog tells you very soon for next beauty tips!

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