Résolution 2023 pour les cheveux  les cheveux bouclés, frisés, crépus, afro

What resolutions to adopt to take care of your textured hair in 2023?

Mar 30, 2023Estelle D.

What good resolutions to adopt to take care of his curly, curly, frizzy, in 2023 hair?


Who says new year, says “new resolutions”. This is why Jiablog is back to offer you his 7 resolutions for textured hair, to adopt in 2023 in order to achieve your hair objectives!


  • Adopt a good lifestyle


A varied and balanced diet is essential for the proper functioning of your body, but also to obtain strong, flexible and shiny hair. 

If the hormonal balance is disturbed, this will affect your hair directly by stimulating for example, sebum production. 

The latter will then impact blood circulation towards the root, which will prevent your hair from growing properly.


Opt for food supplements 

THE Food supplements aim to complete a diet, which constitutes a concentrated source of nutrients.

The supply of nutrients such as zinc, selenium, vitamin B, or even biotin in your diet is important. 

They each have a specific utility which makes it possible to act in an ultra-targeted way on beauty issues such as: brake the fall or promote hair growth.

Do relaxing activities 

Stress, big fatigue or emotional shock can cause hair loss. This is why, we recommend that you exercise soothing activities such as yoga, because stress has an impact at the cellular level and on the hair follicles which can alter the hair growth


Drink a lot of water:

This is the basis of hair hydration! Indeed, water helps absorb vitamins and strengthen the scalp. The hair is then more shiny, more resistant, and its growth is optimized.

Do not drink enough water leads to drying skin cells, which can cause itching and irritation, damaging the scalp and making it more vulnerable to dandruff.

You shouldn't wait to be thirsty to drink, and take the reflex to drink regularly. 

Hydrate does not mean consuming only flat water. Hydration can be done in multiple ways, which is why your consumption of water can vary in the form of tea, herbal tea, soups, water flavored with fruit, or even fruits and vegetables. 

Doctors also recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water per day, to be well hydrated. 


  • Opt for natural products 

This resolution will allow you to be more respectful of the environment and your body. Non -natural hair products are certainly less expensive, however, they result in additional costs, such as the health of your hair. 

The parabens are carcinogenic and potential endocrine disruptors. Used frequently, silicones are suffocating for hair and skin. In addition, they are not biodegradable.

Sulfates are originally intended for household products as detergents ... Often too irritating, they can cause reactions. They are therefore to be avoided for the most sensitive hair leathers.

This is why, we invite you to avoid products with parabens, sulfates and silicones


  • Favor care of moisturizing agents 

The first gestures to take care of your textured hair is above all: a deep hydration

Jiastace : We recommend care made up of glycerin, aloe vera, and vegetable oils In order to seal the hydration and avoid frizz.


  • Make oil baths

THE oil baths are particularly beneficial for textured hair (frizzy, curly and curly), because it makes it possible to hydrate and nourish these hair which tends to become dry faster than other hair types. 

There are different types of oils that all have specific properties that correspond to all types of needs. Good news: you will necessarily find the one that suits you!

Jiastace: Make an oil bath at least 20 minutes at least 1 time a week nourishes and strengthens your hair. 


  • No longer keep your protective hairstyles for too long

Making protective hairstyles is a good thing, however keeping them for too long is not. This generates the risk of suffocating your scalp which is the basis of a healthy hair. 

This may be damaged, due to a Accumulation of oils, residues from our care products, dust, traces of pollution, dead cells.


So how long can you keep your hairstyle without damaging your hair?

  • 3 to 4 weeks for an adult. 
  • No more than 3 weeks for children.

ATTENTION : These must not be too heavy or too tight because they could have the opposite effect and weaken the hair bulbs when they allow you to give birth to your hair 

  • Take care of your hair taking into account their nature 

Indeed, the Textured hair, by very dry nature, need a lot of hydration and nutrition. This is why it is strongly recommended to integrate Rinse before care, in the form of a mask in your hair routine. This habit will allow you to treat your roots and repair your hair


THE curly hair may apply before shampooing once in three,

  • THE Curly hair and frizzy may apply a before shampoo one in two,
  • THE Very dry frizzy hair can easily make an oil bath before each shampoo.
  • No longer abuse shampoos 

Textured hair grew very little, which is why a shampoo per week is more than enough. 

You can perform 2 Hydrating shampoos Holds to make sure you have clearly rid all the impurities of your scalp or performr a clarifying shampoo.  

Jiastace: The ideal solution to reduce the frequency of shampoos, the Co-ifh. He rids the scalp of impurities, while providing hydration and nutrition to lengths.

ATTENTION : Too many shampoos kills your hair by drying it and weakening your scalp.


And here you are, you now know all of our secrets! More excuses, this year, you will have the hair of your dreams!

Jiablog tells you soon for a next article!

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