How to take care of your textured hair in winter?
In winter, it's not just your lips and your hands suffering from the cold ... With negative temperatures outside and the air often overheated indoors, your hair tends to be extremely dehydrated and often become very dry and brittle.
In this article, Jiablog returns in order to entrust you all the secrets that will allow you to keep your hair textured healthy during the winter.
Do not forget the hydration
Beyond a dull aspect, the hair Dehydrated are more fragile, even fairly brittle. The accumulation of temperature change, pollution, wearing hat or repeated hairstyles, does not help the dehydrating effects of winter. This is why they have more than need to be hydrated in depth!
To bring the hydration necessary to maintain the good health of your hair in winter, daily hydration should be missed. This first involves hydration of your body by drinking at least 2 liters of water per day. Then use light moisturizers every day on your textured hair so as not to increase it.
Jia therefore invites you to integrate a hair routine, a moisturizer or a Hydrating spray To be used daily to rehydrate your lengths throughout the week.
Don't forget nutrition
We advise you to make an oil bath 1 time a week minimum, before your shampoo in order to strengthen and protect your lengths from the cold.
If you have a low porosity hair, you will absolutely have to integrate heat during the launch time of the oil bath. Use for example, a heating hat or a steam helmet.
3 in 1 oil synergy From Jia Paris is made up of 10 natural oils meticulously selected to provide complete care to your hair. Among other things, it is made up of organic olive oils, organic castor, organic amla, and organic coconut.
If you want to know which oil is adapted to your needs, it is by here.
Jiastace: For a successful oil bath
1st step: In order to hydrate them and feed them in depth, we recommend that you apply your deep care, on damp hair by favoring the tips so as not to grease the roots.
2nd step: Wrap your hair in a hot towel so that the treatment penetrates deep, then let stand for 30 minutes or all night before washing it.
3rd step: You can then rinse this care, using a moisturizer without sulfate.
PS: The cold is already attacking your hair, as much to avoid other chemical aggressions.
Opt for protective hairstyles
Protective hairstyles such as braids or buns protect your textured hair from the cold and the freezing wind of winter! In addition to protecting them from friction, you avoid breakage, forks and keep hydrated hair.
Attention However, not to tighten your protective hairstyles too much to avoid breakage or traction alopecia!
Do not take out wet hair
Wet hair is more fragile and is more sensitive to external aggressions such as cold. What consequence? They risk breaking!
Consume a healthy diet
Winter and cold push you to a richer diet (and not always balanced!) Which has a direct impact on the health of your hair.
This is why, you must favor healthy meals containing different nutrients such as omega 3, vitamin D, proteins, zinc, which strengthen the hair and keep it hydrated.
You can also opt for a Food supplements cure which will allow you to fill your lack in nutrients!
At JIA Paris, we love pampering your hair, even in winter, which is why we offer you 97% natural, vegan products, respectful of the environment and your body, to build you the best of winter routine.
You now know all our secrets in order to take care of your hair during this time of year that everyone is dreading.
See you soon for a next article!