Comment connaître la porosité de ses cheveux ondulés bouclés crépus - Jia Paris

How to know the porosity of his curled corrupted hair frizzy

Mar 30, 2023Estelle D.

What is the porosity of the hair?

The porosity of textured hair refers to the capacity of wavy, curly, curly or frizzy hair to absorb and retain hydration due to the natural shape of their cuticle. 
You are surely wondering what is the cuticle? The cuticle is the external layer of the hair. It can be very closed, very open or between the two depending on the porosity of the hair. It is also important to remember that even if our porosity is determined by our genetics, it can evolve over the years depending on our lifestyle or the use of chemical and thermal treatments. 
Textured hair can be classified into three levels of porosity: low, medium and high. 
  • Hair at low porosity have a very tight cuticle, which makes it difficult to absorb hydration. 
  • Hair at medium porosity (The luckiest!) Have a cuticle neither too open nor too tight, which allows easy absorption of hydration without her escapes too quickly. 
  • Hair at strong porosity have a very open cuticle, which allows rapid absorption of hydration, but it also escapes very quickly from the cuticle. 

How to know the porosity of my hair?

Well, the porosity of the hair has an impact on their appearance, but also on their health. It is therefore essential to know your porosity to properly take care of your textured hair. Don't panic! Jia Paris is there to help you untie all the knots of this complicated but unavoidable subject. 
Jiastace : We recommend that you make a Quick and efficient test. It consists in taking a clean and dry hair and placing it in a glass of water. If the hair floats, it indicates a weak porosity, while if the hair flows slowly, it indicates an average porosity. Finally, if the hair flows quickly, it indicates a high porosity.
However, there are other means that will allow you to recognize the porosity of your hair. 

What are the signals of a low porosity hair: 

Low porosity hair can be:
  • dull and quickly sticky because they are easily saturated by the accumulation of products which remain on the surface of the cuticle. 
  • Water is struggling to penetrate the cuticle, and you have to rinse your hair for a long time before it is completely wet
  • Your hair takes a lonnng moment to dry (several hours) because the water hardly escapes from the cuticle once it has come back to it 
  • You multiply the care but your hair does not seem to absorb the assets and you do not see any improvement
  • The loops lack definition due to a hydration deficiency which has difficulty penetrating the cuticle
  • Your hair is dry but not damaged because the cuticles remain very smooth and closed 

What are the high hair signals POROSITY 

  • Your hair is easily subject to frizz and have a frothy appearance due to the rapid dispersion of hydration brought to the hair
  • Your hair is dry the day after a deep care due to the fact that it is not sealed in the cuticle 
  • Your hair lacks shine and getting tangled easily due to the fact that the cuticle is open 
  • You have done chemical and thermal treatments that have damaged your cuticle which is therefore more open 
  • Your hair borders on when the weather is wet because your cuticle absorbs moisture very easily
  • Your hair dry relatively quickly 
  • Your hair is easily saturated with water during the washing stage 
  • Your hair loves protein 
Jiastace : It is important to adapt your hair routine to the porosity of your hair and choose your products according to this porosity as well. 

How to take care of my hair according to their porosity? 

As an expert in textured hair, Jia Paris makes your life easier and it feels good! So we have prepared a small guide of tips and habits to take (or stop) depending on your porosity. 

What tips to adopt for a low porosity hair?

  • It is always necessary to use heat to make your care penetrate at the heart of the cuticle. A hat or a heating helmet are essential accessories for little porous hair. 
  • Do not perform or very little protein care because your hair does not need it. On the contrary, the protein will simply be placed above your already closed cuticles, which will become hard and of dry appearance. 
  • Make Clarifying shampoo At least 1 to 2 times a month to get rid of your hair from the accumulation of products. You will find light, flexible and shiny hair. 
  • Use hair products with a majority of humucants (aloe vera, glycerin, honey, panthenol, etc.)

What tips to adopt for a high porosity hair?

  • Prefer a final rinse with cold water to close the cuticle scales during the washing stage 
  • Make protein masks In order to smooth the cuticle, close the scales and repair damaged lengths
  • Remember to always seal the hydration brought to your hair with a oil so that it does not escape more easily
  • Prefer to dry your hair cold rather than hot air which will only open your cuticles more 
  • Avoid manipulating your hair too much because the lengths are easily damaged 
  • Avoid repeating chemical and thermal treatments 
  • Use some hair products Rich in penetrating oils and butters (shea, coconut, avocado, olive ...) 

What are the common tips?

  • Avoid alcohol and pay attention to the pH of products: it is important to know that the natural pH of healthy hair is around 4 while the majority of shampoos on the market have an alkaline pH around 10 due Cleaning assets used. The more natural shampoos in acid pH are therefore to be advised for all types of porosity finally in order to rebalance them. 
  • Integrate apple cider vinegar into your routine: it is cleaning and purifying which makes it ideal for little porous hair but it also allows you to close the scales of porous hair thanks to its acidic pH. 
  • Your porosity evolves according to your hair routine, so take the time to analyze your porosity on average every 3 months to adjust your routine if necessary 
Jiablog tells you next week for a new article!

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