Tout savoir sur la levure de bière : bienfaits, méfaits et utilisation - Jia Paris

Everything about brewer's yeast: benefits, misdeeds and use

Mar 30, 2023Estelle D.

There bay yeast is in itself a concentrate of benefits, both for the immune system and for the intestinal flora, but above all (and this is what interests us here) for the textured hair health.
It is a nutricosmetic Unmissable for the beauty of the skin and hair, but also for their growth and that of the nails.
In this article, you are told more about brewer's yeast and its virtues.


What is Biere's yeast?


Brewer yeast, or also Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is a microorganism based on mushrooms (from Greek "Saccharo" for sugar, "myces" for mushroom, and Latin "cerevisiae" for beer). The reason why Latin and Greek have been associated goes beyond my knowledge.
You should know that this microorganism is present on a daily basis in the soil and the air you breathe. They are also found on fruits, cereals, vegetables or plants.
Its essential amino acid content, B and mineral vitamins make it a nutritional jewel that could almost be enough for itself as a hair food supplement.

For the little anecdote, the brewer's yeast is the first mushroom to have been used by the man. At the time, we did not yet know the fermentation process. It was then used to prepare food and drinks. 7000 years before our era, the Mesopotamians used brewer's yeast to make beer.


Which beer yeast to choose?


There are two types of brewer's yeast: active or lively brewer's yeast and inactive or dead beer yeast.


Active beer yeast

In therapeutic use, we promote the so -called revivifiable brewer's yeast, which is heated at less than 40 ° C. It is said that she is alive. When it is alive, it retains all these probiotic properties. Indeed, active brewer's yeast regenerates the intestinal flora, which allows it to protect it from attacks by bacteria and boost the immune defenses.
Note: active brewer's yeast is very rich in natural active ingredients such as group B vitamins, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, copper and selenium.


Inactive beer

When heated more than 40 ° C, the brewer's yeast is said to be inactive because the mushrooms are "killed". However, it retains all its nutrients because minerals and vitamins remain intact.
In short, it avoids disorders caused by the second type of brewer's yeast (revivifiable brewer's yeast) such as bloating or flatulence. This is the one that is recommended for the health of hair and nails, but also for the skin.


Note that the Food complement Hair Strength and Pushes From Jia Paris, is a complement rich in yeast inactive beer.


What are the benefits of beer yeast?


Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it is particularly suitable for improving skin texture, strengthening nails. It also helps protect the hair from external aggressions and restore them with tone and volume.


Brewer yeast to speed up hair growth

Brewer yeast contributes to the synthesis of keratin, an essential protein constitutive of hair fiber. Thus the hair that grows, more robust and less fragile in the face of internal and external assaults (stress, pollution, etc.), has a longer lifespan.
Reason why we consider this micro-organism as an asset promoting hair growth.

In addition, its biotin concentration, the vitamin of the hair, and in sulfur amino acid also promotes the shine and the flexibility of the hair.

If you are wondering about the effectiveness of food supplements, we advise you to read the article: Are food supplements effective for hair growth?


What other active ingredients for beautiful hair?

Food supplements can be of great help to strengthen, invigorate and boost the growth of your hair, you still need to know what active ingredients to use.

We make a marathon of articles on effective ingredients for hair health and that make up our hair supplements. We will therefore soon offer you the articles:

  • What are the best vitamins for hair? Zoom on vitamins B
  • What are the benefits of horsetail on hair and skin?
  • What are the virtues of selenium? An incredible trace elements for the hair
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  • What are the benefits of zinc on the hair?


Beer yeast against brittle nails

Brewer yeast is excellent for nail health. Like the hair, keratin is present in the nails. They therefore need the same nutrients as our hair to strengthen and magnify it. By contributing to the synthesis of keratin, brewer's yeast contributes to solidity and nail growth.


Brewer yeast against acne

Treatment with bay yeast provides minerals to the skin from the inside so that it can defend itself from bacteria and other microorganisms responsible for the appearance of acne. This asset also strengthens skin cells.
In addition, by boosting the immune system, it participates in the balance of hormones, often responsible for acne.


How to eat the brewer's yeast and keep it well?


Brewer yeast consumption

The dosage of brewer's yeast is different depending on the case to be treated. It can be used by local or internal means.
The capsules and tablets are to be consumed orally. As for powder or flakes, although they can be consumed orally, they can also be used in local application on hair, nails and skin.

Know that our food supplements Force and grows is in the form of a pill to swallow with a glass of water.


Brewer yeast conservation

In general, the maximum breasting duration of brewer's yeast is 36 months after its production.
Brewer's yeast in the form of powder, flakes or glitter is packaged in a closed packaging or container. After opening the packaging, it is advised to store it in a dry place at a temperature less than 10 ° C. It is imperative to keep it out of humidity and heat.

The benefits of brewer's yeast are guaranteed only when stored properly.


When to avoid beer yeast?

The vivifiable brewer's yeast can cause people with gases or bloating sensations in people with people with intestinal disorders. However, these sensations disappear after a few days.
Also, it is contraindicated in people who follow an antidepressant and analgesic treatment. Indeed, it can cause high blood pressure.
Likewise, it should not be consumed by people with inflammatory intestine diseases. In any case, see your doctor before starting the cure.

See you soon for a JIA Paris article project.

Sylvie Aouanou

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